Facets of Perception

What is the truth? Truth is a matter of perception. People believe in what they grew up knowing as the truth.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year! -- part 1

Good god almighty!

It's been practically a year since I updated this blog. :( Where does the time go?

I've been thinking about my never-ending New Years' Resolutions... I say never-ending because once I finish my list and get on with my daily doings (whatever they are), I find that I keep adding to my list:

1. Get the most out of my gym membership

2. Eat right; less junk food (I am missing my potato chips already...)

3. Get up earlier to avoid rush-hour traffic (If I don't leave the house before 7am, I don't bother to leave until it's 9am, since leaving-at-7am = 2 hours-in-traffic VS leaving-at-9am = 40 minutes-in-traffic...)

4. Keep in touch with old friends... constantly (I have come to realize that I started becoming a lousy correspondent when I switched jobs)

5. Start writing again! (I miss writing... I read my friends' stories wistfully...)

This is what I have so far... I'll probably come up with more while I'm writing this.

I came up with these during the latter part of 2005. None of these are material things... I don't consider "I must buy that new pair of shoes by March..." as a resolution... ;) and most of them came to me as a slap in the face... particularly number 4, when I got to hang out with a really old friend of mine...


6. Gather coherent thoughts... *then* write them down, not the other way around...



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