Facets of Perception

What is the truth? Truth is a matter of perception. People believe in what they grew up knowing as the truth.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Resolution # 2

Holy sh*t!

As of 2007 April 09, I officially weigh 118lbs.

Damn it.

I've now (re)discovered resolution number 2.

RESOLUTION # 2: Lose Weight!

At a quarter less than 5" in height, my ideal weight should be 93 to 98lbs, based on the BMI (Body Mass Index), if I remember correctly. My actual weight before I joined my present company was 103lbs. I'm not overly weight-conscious, and I abhor the thought of dieting, so if my weight fluctuates between 100lbs to 105lbs, I'm good.

I'm an avid eater (I love food), and I don't really exercise since I get to do a lot of walking. I know that I have high metabolism, so I depend on that as well to keep... fit is not the right word... from getting big. I have never minded being slightly overweight (hello, what is slightly?), as long as I have minimum "jiggly" and "orange peel" skin. My philosophy on eating is don't skimp, eat heartily and finish every morsel.


When you see that you are 20lbs++ over the ideal weight AND 2 of your favorite pair of pants AND you can no longer wear those fit shirts you bought a few years go, it might be time to change that philosophy about eating.

I guess it's time to start being conscious about what I eat. I'm developing an aversion to pork (as friend says, it's sticky), so I don't have to worry about removing that from my diet since I don't crave for it... unless we're talking about liempo here. ;P I hardly ever eat the fats, but it's now time to stop eating them entirely. I love fish and veggies, but since they are pricier than meat servings when eating out, I will have to increase my food budget for those. Cutting down on junk/snack food is the most difficult part, since pizza, fries and potato chips are major cravings-food for me. Hmmm... I guess I will have to add soda to this list as well.

This also means I can no longer afford to skip breakfast, since I've noticed that an 8am breakfast of cereal or oatmeal (my usual breakfast choices, mind you), keep me feeling full for a good 6 hours.

Again, I don't believe in dieting, so I'm not going to stop eating those just because I started getting weight conscious. I just have to minimize my servings and cut down the frequency of the munchies.

*sigh* Good luck to me.


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