Facets of Perception

What is the truth? Truth is a matter of perception. People believe in what they grew up knowing as the truth.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

PLDT myDSL Sucks

I hate PLDT.

I've been a PLDT myDSL subscriber since July 2004. Back then, the internet packages were something like P2500 for a 768Kbps (or was is 786kbps?) connection. In those days, a 768Kbps connection was already pretty good.

Technology and the internet has kept on advancing in the past 2-3 years, and as of August 2006, the PLDT myDSL packages look like this:

Plan 999 = 512Kbps
Plan 1995 = 1.2Mbps
Plan 3000 = 5Mbps
* Note that the prices are exclusive of VAT.

Where am I going with this? Well, did you know:

1. PLDT did not provide flyers regarding the new DSL packages to existing subscribers.
2. Existing subscribers do NOT get an automatic upgrade.

Which means that UNLESS you storm over to PLDT to get your plan changed (only after your 2-year lockup period has passed, of course), you will be paying good money for poor service.

My 2-year lock up ended last July 2006. Technically, I have been paying P2545.56 (with 12% VAT) for a 768kbps connection, but newer myDSL subscribers pay only P2035 (with 12% VAT) for a 1.2Mbps connection -- they pay less for better service.

And get this...

1. When you ask PLDT to upgrade your speed under the same plan, my P2545.56 per month will only allow me up to a 1Mbps speed upgrade.

2. When you ask PLDT to upgrade your plan to upgrade to a higher speed, they call it a DOWNGRADE, since they make less money (they get P2545.56 for 768Kbps VS getting P2035 for 1.2Mbps).

3. When you ask to "downgrade" your plan, the telephone customer service people will tell you that you have to pay a P5000 service charge (F*ck that, I'd rather terminate my DSL plan. Besides, I'm WAYYYY past my 2year lockup period, stupid! DUH!)

4. When you ask for a rebate to compensate for the overpayment you are making (versus the current DSL packages), they'll tell you this is not possible since the old plan is still in effect.

5. When you tell them that they should've automatically "downgraded" the plan, they'll tell you they don't change current plans without the advise of the subscriber.

6. When you tell them that they should've provided the new packages information to existing subscribers (hello, they send useless ad flyers with your PLDT phone bill), they'll tell you that the information has been available since the day the packages were made available to the market.

Oh... I had to ask all of these via a Business Center because their telephone customer service hotline SUCKS BIG TIME!

I hate PLDT.

The only reason I have a PLDT DSL subscription to begin with is that my company was the one who applied for the DSL subscription (since it's a work-related benefit). Since the 2year lockup is over, I have the option to switch to Bayantel. Unfortunately, Bayantel does not offer competetive rates / speed. I need a connection of at least 1Mbps, and Bayantel can't give this to me at a reasonable rate. Globelines is not available in my part of Metro Manila. *sigh*

For now, I've decided to retain my DSL subscription (but I made them "downgrade" it to Plan 1995, but have to wait for 2 weeks before the changes take effect), at least until August. By then, I will be moving to my new place in another part of Metro Manila, and I'll have to get a new subscription with whatever carrier will be available there (screw PLDT if they're still the provider in that area). It would be too much effort to change to a Bayantel subscription if I'm only going to be able to use it for 5 months, when there is a lockup period to consider, plus the ludicrous rates).

But damn, I hope I'll be able to switch to a better provider then.


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